Thursday, September 17, 2015


There's something both magical and bittersweet about the days becoming shorter. At its peak, autumn is a palette of water colors, dripping with warm hues of cinnamon and pumpkin...with soft brushes of a sweet blue sky and perfect puffy clouds. How can one not want to write about such wonder? Yet, how can one find time to write when they are soaking in all these miracles?

And to be honest, no words or fancy language can do this season justice...

This time of year stirs my emotions. Perhaps it's the knowledge that the year is too soon over....that what I meant to do, or say, or keep -was never done. It's a quiet sadness to realize there's so much unfinished business, unsung songs...unshared love.

Writing quiets those voices that say, " hurry, hurry, time is passing!" If I can only freeze these moments in bits of words, maybe everything will be okay. Maybe it will matter. Maybe it will save me.

So, here I am. Stepping out again onto blank pages. My heart is open. Can you see? Come visit, come stay...or take a peek and go away. Because I've Been Meaning To Write...and so....I am.


  1. I can't wait to read your writings, this winter, with a cup of coffee in my hand and bundled up with a throw! Whatever your thoughts are, what ever you wanna say, Im always going to read it and put my silly comments! Cannot wait for a morning of smiles, laughter and tears at times. Love you!

  2. know I will follow you anywhere!!! I am so happy you are back to writing!!!! HUGS!!!
